The Following are 16 Tenses in English and Examples of Sentances

Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Rachmah Auliawati
NPM : 28216446

Kelas : 3EB12

Fakultas Ekonomi / Jurusan Akuntansi
Universitas Gunadarma
ATA 2018/2019

There are only three basic from of tenses in English, namely Present, Past, and Future.
·         Present Tanse, used for whatever happens at this time or general statement.
·         Past Tense, used for everything that happened before this moment on time.
·         Future Tense, used for anything that will happen sometime later than now.
The following are 16 Tenses in English and Examples of Sentences:
A.      Present Tenses
1.         Simple Present
S + V1 (+es/s)
I live in Depok
S + Do/Does + not + V1
I don’t watch television every night
Do/Does + not + S + V1?
Do you have a car?
Function: To show absolute truth. like example number 1. And To show routine work. e.g: I go to school everyday

2.         Present Continuous
S + am/is/are + Ving
I am going to your school tomorrow
S + am/is/are+ not + Ving
I am not crying
Am/is/are + S + Ving ?
Are you still waiting for some one?
Function:Shows ongoing work. And shows work that is certain to be done in the future (example number 1).

3.         PresentPerfect
S + have/has + V3
I have lived in Semarang for nineteen years.
S + have/has + not + V3
I have not done my home work yet.
Have/ has + S + V3
Have you already taken a bath?
Function: Indicates work that has been completed at the present time.

4.         Presen Perfect Continuous
S + have/has + been + Ving
It has been raining since at six o’clock.
S + have/has + not + been + Ving
I haven’t been eating for whole day
Have/ has + S+ been + Ving?
Has she been waiting for me a long this time?
function: To show the work that has already happened and there is still a possibility to occur until later.

B.       Past Tenses
5.         Simple Past.
S + V2+ O
I went to school alone yesterday
S + did + not + Inf (V1)
I did’nt like rice before
Did + S + Inf (V1)
Did she drink juice?
Function: Showing work that happened in the past, without wanting to emphasize that he was, or had finished doing the work.

6.         Past Continuous.
S + was/were + Ving
I was sleeping when you came.
S + was/were + not+ Ving
We were not getting home.
Was/were + S + Ving
Was she still reading while mother called her?
Function: To show work that is happening in the past, when another work occurs, either another job interrupts (such as example number 1) or occurs together (such as example number 2).

7.         Past Perfect.
S + had + V3
I had closed the windows before i gone yesterday morning
S + Had+ not + V3
I hadn’t already taken a bath when you visit me.
Had+ S+ V3
Had you got some water after you took your pill that night?
Function: To show work that has been completed when another job has just begun in the past.

8.         Past Perfect Continuous.
S + had + been + Ving
Rooney had been playing football for 3 years till he decided to stop last year.
S + had + not + been + Ving
I had not learning English for a year at 2010
Had+ S + been + Ving
Had father been working at PT.Astra for 10 years last year?
Function: To show the work that has happened in the past and still last until a certain time in the past

9.         Past Future
S + would + Infinitive/V1
I would have gone if you didn’t prevent me.
S + would + not + Infinitive/V1
You would not come to your party yesterday, whatever happened.
Would + S + Infinitive/V1
would you attend my wedding party if I invited you?
Function:To show the work that will be done in the past. And To make a sentence Conditional Sentence Type II.

10.     Past Future Continuous.
S + would + be + Ving       
When I was born, He would be working at this company for 3 years.
S + would + not + be + Ving
You would not be walking alone, if I were not sick.
Would + S + be + Ving              
would you be standing by me, if I slept yesterday?
Function: To show the work that will be done in the past.

11.     Past Future Perfect.
S + would + have + been + V3
This house would have been painted if all workers had came yesterday.
S + would + not + have + been + V3
It would not have been finished by the end of last month.
Would +S+ have+ been+ V3
Would he have been delivered all my orders if I had paid my bill?
Function: To show work that will have been completed in the past. And To make a sentence Conditional Sentence Type III.

12.     Past Future Perfect Continuous.
S + would + have + been + V-ing   
You would have been sleeping.
S + would + not + have + been + V-ing
She would not have been crying.
Would + S + have + been + V-ing?        
Would you have living at London for 5 years last year?
Function: To show the work that was originally going to have been done and is still being done in the past.

C.      Future Tenses
13.     Simple Future
S + will + Inf (v1)
I will always love you if you love me too.
S + will + not + Inf (v1)
I will not call you tomorrow.
Will + S+ Inf (V1)
Will you come to my party?
function:Shows simple work that will happen, and To make Conditional Sentence type I.

14.     Future Continuous.
S + will + be + Ving
he will be climbing Krakatau with her friends on sunday
S + will + not + be + Ving
I wont be traveling next week.
Will + S+ be + Ving
will you be still sleeping at 7 a.m tomorrow morning?
Function: To show work that is happening in the future.

15.     Future Perfect.
S + will + have + V3
He will have arrived by the end of this month
S + will + have + not + V3
He will not have slept at the time you go home.
Will + S + have + V3          
will you have taken bath at 5 pm?
Function: To show work that has been completed in the future.

16.     Future Perfect Contiuous.
he will have been working for 3 hours at 9 am tomorrow.
she will have not been traveling for 3 weeks next sunday.
will you have been diving in the sea for 3 hours at mid day?
Function: Same as the Present Perfect Continuous, the difference: it doesn't happen now but in the future.


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